Sneaking Past the Firewall: Techniques for Bypassing WAFS

Sneaking Past the Firewall: Techniques for Bypassing WAFS

Imagine you are a bouncer at a fancy nightclub, responsible for keeping out unwanted guests while allowing in only those who are on the guest list. Your job is to make sure everyone who enters the club is well-behaved and doesn't cause any trouble.

In this analogy, the nightclub is the web application, the guests are the users or visitors to the website, and you, the bouncer, represent the WAF. Just as the bouncer filters out unwanted guests, the WAF filters out malicious traffic or requests that could harm the web application.

Just like how the bouncer checks the guest list to verify the identity of guests, the WAF checks incoming traffic to the web application to ensure that it's legitimate and doesn't pose a threat. If the bouncer finds someone who's not on the guest list or who seems suspicious, they deny them entry to the club. Similarly, the WAF blocks traffic or requests that are suspicious or that match known attack patterns.

By analogy, you can think of the WAF as the bouncer of a nightclub, keeping out unwanted guests while allowing in only those who are well-behaved and have been properly vetted.

What is a WAF?

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a security solution designed to protect web applications from various types of attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. WAFs analyze incoming traffic to a web application and filter out malicious requests or traffic that match specific patterns or signatures.

WAFs can be implemented as a hardware appliance, software installed on a server, or a cloud-based service. They can operate in different modes such as transparent mode, where the WAF sits between the client and server without changing the network topology, or reverse-proxy mode, where the WAF acts as a gateway server and intercepts requests before they reach the web server.

The need for WAF bypass techniques

While Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are designed to protect web applications from various types of attacks, they are not foolproof and can be bypassed by attackers with the right skills and tools. This is because WAFs operate based on a set of rules or signatures that are designed to identify and block malicious traffic. However, these rules can be circumvented or evaded by attackers using various techniques, leading to successful attacks on the web application.

The need for WAF bypass techniques arises from several factors, including:

  1. Limitations of WAFs: While WAFs can provide an additional layer of protection to web applications, they have limitations. For example, they may not be able to detect and block sophisticated attacks such as zero-day exploits or targeted attacks that are tailored to a specific web application.

  2. Constantly evolving attack techniques: Attackers are constantly developing new techniques and tools to evade WAFs and bypass their rules. This means that WAFs must be updated regularly to keep up with new threats, but even then, there may be gaps in the WAF's protection.

  3. False positives: WAFs may sometimes block legitimate traffic or requests that are not malicious, leading to false positives. This can cause inconvenience to users and impact the performance of the web application.

  4. Compliance requirements: Some organizations may need to bypass WAFs to comply with regulations or security standards that require certain types of traffic to be allowed, even if they are considered risky.

Overall, the need for WAF bypass techniques underscores the importance of taking a multi-layered approach to web application security, combining WAFs with other security measures such as vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and threat intelligence.

Common WAF detection and prevention mechanisms

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) use various detection and prevention mechanisms to identify and block malicious traffic. Some of the most common mechanisms are:

  1. Signature-based detection: WAFs use pre-defined signatures or patterns to identify and block traffic that matches known attack patterns. These signatures can be based on specific attack vectors, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).

  2. Protocol validation: WAFs validate the protocol used in incoming traffic to ensure that it adheres to the expected format and structure. This helps to prevent attacks such as HTTP smuggling and protocol-level attacks.

  3. Anomaly detection: WAFs use machine learning and behavioral analysis to detect anomalous traffic patterns that may indicate an attack. This approach can help to detect zero-day attacks and other sophisticated threats that do not match pre-defined signatures.

  4. Rate limiting: WAFs limit the rate of incoming requests to prevent attacks such as DDoS attacks and brute-force attacks. This can help to protect the web application from being overwhelmed by excessive traffic.

  5. IP blocking: WAFs can block traffic from known malicious IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses. This approach is effective for blocking attacks that originate from specific sources.

While these detection and prevention mechanisms can provide a high level of protection to web applications, they can also be circumvented or evaded by attackers using various techniques. As a result, it's important to regularly review and update the WAF's configuration and rules to ensure that it's providing effective protection against the latest threats.

Bypassing WAFs using encoding techniques

Attackers can use encoding techniques to bypass WAFs that rely on signature-based detection or pattern matching. These encoding techniques can be used to obfuscate the malicious payload, making it difficult for the WAF to detect and block the attack.

One of the most common encoding techniques used by attackers is base64 encoding. Base64 encoding is a method of encoding binary data into ASCII characters. This technique is often used to encode data in email attachments and other applications where binary data is not supported. Attackers can use base64 encoding to encode malicious payloads in web requests, making it difficult for the WAF to detect the payload.

URL encoding is another technique that can be used to bypass WAFs. URL encoding is a method of encoding special characters in a URL so that they can be transmitted over the internet. Attackers can use URL encoding to encode malicious payloads in web requests, making it difficult for the WAF to detect the payload.

To bypass WAFs using encoding techniques, attackers may use various methods, such as:

  1. Multiple encoding: Attackers can use multiple encoding techniques, such as base64 and URL encoding, to further obfuscate the payload.

  2. Randomization: Attackers can use randomization techniques to change the encoding used in each request. This makes it difficult for the WAF to identify and block the attack.

  3. Payload splitting: Attackers can split the payload into multiple parts and encode each part separately. This makes it difficult for the WAF to identify the entire payload and block the attack.

Here's an example code snippet that shows how an attacker can use base64 encoding to obfuscate a malicious payload in a web request:


$payload = "<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>";

// Encode the payload using base64 encoding
$encoded_payload = base64_encode($payload);

// Send the request with the encoded payload
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "" . $encoded_payload);


In this example, an attacker is trying to execute shell commands on a vulnerable web application by passing a malicious payload as a parameter in the URL. The payload is first encoded using base64 encoding and then passed in the "data" parameter of the URL. The vulnerable web application will receive the request, decode the payload using base64 decoding, and then execute the shell commands specified in the payload. This can be used to bypass a WAF that is not configured to inspect and decode base64-encoded data in incoming requests.

Bypassing WAFs using evasion techniques (such as HTTP fragmentation and obfuscation)

HTTP fragmentation attack is when attackers split their requests into smaller, less suspicious fragments that are less likely to be detected by the WAF. By sending smaller fragments, attackers can bypass rules that are designed to detect and block large or malformed requests.

Another technique is obfuscation, where attackers encode their payloads in ways that make them more difficult to detect by the WAF. For example, an attacker might encode their payload using base64 encoding or apply simple substitution ciphers such as rot13 to make the payload appear harmless to the WAF.

By using these techniques, attackers can bypass the security measures put in place by WAFs and successfully carry out attacks on vulnerable web applications. It's important for security professionals to be aware of these techniques and take steps to protect their web applications against them.

Here's an example of how an attacker can use HTTP fragmentation to bypass a WAF:

GET /index.php?name=value&parameter=1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:69.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/69.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 1000


In this example, an attacker sends an HTTP GET request to a vulnerable web application with a long string of data that is split into multiple fragments. The WAF may be configured to block requests that contain long strings of data or requests that are abnormally large. However, by using HTTP fragmentation, the attacker can bypass the WAF by sending the data in smaller fragments that are less likely to trigger the WAF's blocking mechanism.

Here's an example of how an attacker can use obfuscation to bypass a WAF:

$payload = "echo 'Hello, World!';";
$obfuscated_payload = str_rot13(base64_encode($payload));

<img src="data:image/png;base64,<?php echo $obfuscated_payload; ?>" />

In this example, an attacker embeds an obfuscated payload in an image tag on a web page. The payload is first encoded using base64 encoding and then obfuscated using a simple substitution cipher (rot13). When the web page is loaded, the image is requested by the browser and the obfuscated payload is sent as part of the request. The WAF may be configured to block requests that contain suspicious or malicious payloads, but may not be able to detect the obfuscated payload since it appears as a harmless image request. Once the payload is received by the vulnerable web application, it can be decoded and executed by the attacker.

Bypassing WAFs using HTTP protocol abuses

HTTP verb tampering involves manipulating the HTTP request method to bypass WAF protections. For example, instead of using the standard GET method, attackers might use an alternative method such as HEAD, PUT, or DELETE to evade detection by the WAF.

Here's an example of how an attacker might use HTTP verb tampering to bypass a WAF;

POST /login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


In the example above, the attacker is using the standard POST method to submit a login form. However, if the WAF is configured to block POST requests to the login page, the attacker might try to bypass this restriction by using an alternative HTTP verb such as PUT or DELETE instead.

HTTP parameter pollution (HPP) involves adding additional parameters to the HTTP request in order to bypass WAF protections. For example, an attacker might add multiple "id" parameters to a request, hoping to confuse the WAF and bypass its protections.

Here's an example of how an attacker might use HTTP parameter pollution to bypass a WAF:

GET /search?query=apples&id=1&id=2&id=3 HTTP/1.1

In the example above, the attacker is adding multiple "id" parameters to the GET request, hoping to bypass the WAF's protections by confusing it with multiple parameter values.

By using these techniques, attackers can bypass the security measures put in place by WAFs and successfully carry out attacks on vulnerable web applications. It's important for security professionals to be aware of these techniques and take steps to protect their web applications against them.

Bypassing WAFs using payload modification techniques

Payload mutation involves modifying the payload of an attack in order to evade detection by the WAF. For example, an attacker might modify the payload of a SQL injection attack by using different syntax or adding comments to the payload to make it more difficult for the WAF to detect.

Here's an example of how an attacker might use payload mutation to bypass a WAF:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='admin'--' AND password='password'

In the example above, the attacker is using the SQL comment syntax "--" to modify the payload and bypass the WAF's protections by making it more difficult for the WAF to detect the SQL injection attack.

Payload obfuscation involves encoding the payload of an attack in order to evade detection by the WAF. For example, an attacker might use base64 encoding or URL encoding to obfuscate the payload of an attack and make it more difficult for the WAF to detect.

Here's an example of how an attacker might use payload obfuscation to bypass a WAF:

GET /search?q=%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27XSS%27)%3C/script%3E HTTP/1.1

In the example above, the attacker is using URL encoding to obfuscate a cross-site scripting (XSS) payload by encoding the script tags and alert message. This makes it more difficult for the WAF to detect the XSS attack and block the request.

By using these payload modification techniques, attackers can bypass the security measures put in place by WAFs and successfully carry out attacks on vulnerable web applications. It's important for security professionals to be aware of these techniques and take steps to protect their web applications against them.

Advanced WAF bypass techniques (such as timing attacks and bypassing signature-based WAFs)

Advanced WAF bypass techniques involve more sophisticated methods that aim to bypass WAFs that are more advanced or have more strict rules in place.

One technique is timing attacks, which involves sending multiple requests to the server with slightly different payloads and measuring the response time to identify which requests were blocked by the WAF. This can help an attacker determine which payloads are being detected by the WAF and adjust them accordingly to bypass it.

Another advanced technique is bypassing signature-based WAFs, which rely on pre-defined patterns or signatures to identify and block malicious payloads. Attackers can modify their payloads in a way that changes their signature and evades detection by the WAF.

Code examples for these techniques are highly dependent on the specific WAF being targeted and the payloads being used, so it is difficult to provide specific examples. However, here is a general example of how a timing attack could be implemented using Python:

import requests
import time

url = ''

payloads = [

for payload in payloads:
    start_time = time.time()
    response =, data={'username': payload, 'password': 'password'})
    end_time = time.time()
    response_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f"Payload: {payload}, Response Time: {response_time}")

In this example, the script sends multiple POST requests to the login page of the website with different payloads in the username field. The response_time is measured and printed for each payload, allowing an attacker to identify which payloads were blocked by the WAF based on their longer response times. The attacker can then adjust the payloads to bypass the WAF.

Countermeasures to prevent WAF bypass attacks

Countermeasures to prevent WAF bypass attacks are important to ensure the security of web applications. Here are some countermeasures that can be implemented:

  1. Regularly update WAF rules: WAFs come with pre-configured rules that are designed to block common attacks. However, these rules need to be updated on a regular basis to ensure that they are effective against the latest attacks.

  2. Implement multiple WAFs: Implementing multiple WAFs can provide additional layers of protection. This is known as WAF stacking.

  3. Use machine learning-based WAFs: Machine learning-based WAFs can be effective in identifying and blocking attacks that are not covered by pre-configured rules.

  4. Whitelist-based approach: Whitelisting is a technique that only allows traffic from trusted sources to reach the web application. This approach can be effective in preventing attacks that are not part of the whitelist.

  5. Regular penetration testing: Regular penetration testing can help identify vulnerabilities in the web application and the WAF configuration.

  6. Implement SSL/TLS: Implementing SSL/TLS can encrypt traffic between the client and the server, making it harder for attackers to intercept and modify the traffic.

  7. Implement rate-limiting: Rate-limiting is a technique that limits the number of requests that can be sent to the web application from a particular IP address or user.

By implementing these countermeasures, organizations can effectively prevent WAF bypass attacks and ensure the security of their web applications.

Conclusion and future directions.

Web application firewalls (WAFs) are an important security measure for protecting web applications from various types of attacks. However, as with any security measure, WAFs are not foolproof and can be bypassed using various techniques. It is important for organizations to be aware of these techniques and implement countermeasures to prevent WAF bypass attacks.

In the future, WAFs are likely to become more sophisticated and intelligent, using machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to identify and block attacks in real-time. However, attackers are also likely to become more sophisticated, using advanced techniques to bypass WAFs. As such, it is important for organizations to remain vigilant and regularly update their security measures to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape.

Overall, by implementing a combination of WAFs and other security measures, organizations can effectively protect their web applications from various types of attacks and ensure the security of their data and systems.